4th IEEE PES International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - ISGT 2013, Washington (United States of America). 24-27 February 2013
This paper investigates the small-signal stability effects of coordinated turbine governors tuning on power systems with large-scale penetration of wind and in the presence of load disturbances. A case study is presented where the effects of the turbine governor are evaluated in the presence of a 20% increase in load active and reactive power for the IEEE 14-bus system. Results suggest that tuning the turbine governors in the presence of wind power generation may improve significantly the small-signal stability of an interconnected system.
Keywords: Active and Reactive Power; Load disturbances; Small signal stability; Turbine governors
Published in ISGT 2013, pp: 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-4673-4894-2
Publication date: 2013-04-15.
H.M. Abdelhalim, A.M. Farid, A.A. Adegbege, L. Rouco, k. Youcef-Toumi, Small-signal stability effects of turbine governors on power systems with high penetrations of integrated wind power, 4th IEEE PES International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - ISGT 2013, Washington (United States of America). 24-27 February 2013. In: ISGT 2013: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-4673-4894-2